It’s a toned-tummy Tuesday! And this circuit busting exercise is one that will strengthen your core and get that tummy tight before summertime.
Get Up, Get Downs (or as I like to call them, Dead Bugs) are exercises done using a Bosu. There are several variations of the exercise, allowing us to progress from beginner to advanced depending on core strength & fitness level.
Jason takes me through the full progression in this video.
So, I know what you want to ask…”why call them Dead Bugs?”
To me, when the body is fully extended, you look like a dead bug on its back.
A few tips:
- Take the progression slow. Get a feel for the exercise before moving on to the next step.
- Make sure that you sit on the Bosu so that when you lean back, the small of your back rests on the crest of the Bosu. (If you get too far back on the Bosu, you get top heavy and it’s difficult to get back up.)
- Lay back fully to get the benefits of the stretch portion of this exercise. Then, contract your abs, come to a seated position and hop back up.
- This is a sneaky exercise. It doesn’t look hard, but after doing 3 sets of 10, 12 or 15 reps, you should feel it in your abs.
Disclaimer: All exercise recommendations and videos on this site are for your information only and are not to be used in placed of working with a professional. Be smart. If you need help, ask for it. Get approval from your doctor before beginning any exercise regimen and make sure to use caution when doing any type of exercise.