With the new year comes resolutions – resolutions for better eating, more exercising, weight loss and overall wellness.   

Resolutions can be a great way to re-invent & re-energize, especially when it comes to your workouts.

Our advice – keep your resolution goals reasonable and attainable.  Long term goals are great – but also make weekly goals so that you can see immediate progress.

Looking for help setting goals or revamping your workouts?  CONTACT US to schedule a free assessment & initial session. 

For the New Year’s article roundup, I found a really interesting article that gives us the neuroscience behind overeating.  I would highly recommend that you read this article if you want to work on your eating habits or try to lose weight.  To check it out, CLICK HERE for the research and article from Idea Fitness Journal.   

Need some tips on how to make new year’s resolutions that you will actually keep?  CLICK HERE and check out this article from Forbes. 

Looking for motivation to kick off your own fitness and weight loss goals?  CLICK HERE to read these Inspiring Weight Loss stories compiled by Fitbie.

For all of my fellow runners out there: Think that you know everything about running on soft surfaces vs hard surfaces and which is best for you?  Think again!  Or at least CLICK HERE to consider another opinion from New York Times writer, Gina Kolata.

From all of us at Excellence In Exercise, we hope your new year is off to a great start.


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