The holiday season is a time that we all enjoy spending with our families and friends.  And when families and friends are gathered, there’s usually lots of wonderful food to share!

We will all overindulge at some point during the holidays, but we want to try to help you keep the holiday bluge in check.  By maintaining your exercise routine, and following these tips – you can maintain, and not gain, during the holidays!


1. Don’t skip meals, especially breakfast. Research shows that those who eat breakfast tend to consume fewer calories throughout the day. By front-loading calories you can avoid hunger and excessive eating of empty calories.

2. Before the party, have a healthy snack. To help curb your appetite eat a high fiber snack (such as raw veggies or fruit) so you will be less tempted to over indulge.

3. Get plenty of rest. Lack of sleep produces a hormone called ghrelin that stimulates the appetite and suppresses a hormone called leptin that decreases the appetite – so you end up eating more!

4. Make time for exercise.  Exercise helps relieve stress and prevent weight gain. Take the stairs to the holiday party instead of the elevator, play a game of football or basketball after the dinner or simply take a walk.


5. Make it healthy. If you are asked to bring a dish to the holiday gathering reduce the fat and calories by making healthy substitutions… check out our recipe substitution guide.

6. Choose a small plate. This will help encourage proper portions.

7. Survey the buffet. By surveying the buffets before filling your plate you can make wiser choices.

8. Choose high fiber low calorie foods first. Fill your plate with veggies, fruits and salad before diving into entrees and desserts. Research shows eating a salad before your meal can help you eat fewer calories overall.

9. Eat slowly and savor every bite. Eat until you are satisfied, not stuffed.

10. Wait before going back for seconds. It takes your brain approximately 20 minutes to receive the signal that you’ve eaten enough so wait to see if you really are hungry.

11. Beware of Beverages. Many empty calories can be found in punches, fruit drinks and alcohol. Alcohol can also lessen inhibitions and induce overeating.

 Tips provided by Registered Dietitian, Tanya Brackman


One Response to Tips to Maintain, Not Gain, During the Holidays

  1. Carl saxonoe says:

    Great article.definitely helps